It can be complex running a charity, not-for-profit organisation or trust, with a constant stream of daily challenges to deal with, from reporting requirements to keeping up with ever-changing legislation.
Our expert team has a wealth of knowledge and experience in this sector. Many charities, not-for-profit organisations and trusts of all sizes rely on our insightful, forward-looking advice for a wide range of accounting and tax issues.
Whether you are planning to set up a not-for-profit organisation or require advice on regulatory or compliance issues, we can provide the advice and guidance you need, so you can focus on the core purpose of your organisation.
Our specialists can advise charities and trusts on a wide range of matters, including:
- Preparation of accounts under the Charities SORP (Statement of Recommended Practice) and Charities Act
- Audit and independent examiners’ reports
- Specialist tax Advice, including gift aid relief
- Incorporation and registration of charities, charitable incorporated organisations and community interest companies
- Operational structure
- Trustees’ responsibilities
- Bookkeeping
- Payroll
- Budgeting and cashflow forecasting